Duration you use this if you want to measure a conversion Industry Email List when, for example, a visitor is on your website for 5 minutes or longer. Pages/screens per session: you use this if you want to measure a conversion when, for example, a visitor Industry Email List has viewed 3 pages or more. Event: you use this if you want to set a conversion based on an existing event. For example, when a video has finished watching or when a certain button has Industry Email List been clicked. This article focuses on the second option, target type 'Duration'. We use this to set conversions when visitors have been on the website for x number of minutes.
This is what the settings in Universal Analytics Industry Email List look like: Screenshot target type Duration in Universal Analytics Screenshot of the 'new target' screen step 2: Target type 'Duration'. Migrate target type 'Duration' conversions to Industry Email List Google Analytics 4 With GA4, Google has completely moved away from 'Goals'. You now all need to set up conversions via 'Events'. There are no more ready-made target types available. If you want to Industry Email List bring your goals with goal type 'Duration' from Universal Analytics to GA4, a workaround is needed. That is why I have developed a solution that allows you to mimic this functionality relatively easily.
This solution uses Google Tag Manager and is ready Industry Email List to import into your website. Before you start, Google Tag Manager must be installed and the GA4 configuration tag must be present in your container. Also read: 5 alternatives to Industry Email List Google Analytics (GDPR proof) Import into Google Tag Manager Follow these steps to import the solution: Download the container file (save the file to your desktop). Go to Google Tag Industry Email List Manager and choose the container of your website. Then go to 'Manage' and click on 'Import Container' and use the following settings: Choose the container file from step 1. Choose existing workspace 'Default workspace'.